RIA Solutions: Personalized benchmarks

Personalized, goal-driven benchmarks

Our 5-step OnTarget Investing process makes it easy to build dynamically risk-managed portfolios that are tailored to your clients’ financial goals, time lines, and risk tolerance.

Never again have the “How does my portfolio compare to the S&P 500?” conversation. With OnTarget Investing, clients receive personal benchmarks with their statements that are based on the goals and time horizons they define. These benchmarks, represented by the OnTarget Monitor, provide an easy, customized measure to judge the performance of their account.

5-step OnTarget Investing process:

  1. Listen—Clients complete a suitability questionnaire that helps them define and communicate their financial goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance.
  2. Design—Our proprietary software prepares a solution consistent with the client’s information from the suitability questionnaire.
  3. Implement—Accounts are allocated to meet mutually agreed upon investment expectations.
  4. Manage—Accounts are actively managed in a way designed to keep accounts OnTarget with your clients’ goals.
  5. Report—We provide quarterly OnTarget reports that you and your clients can use to track progress against benchmarks created specifically for them.

Personal benchmark eBook Download

OnTarget statement explanation Download