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Flexible Plan Investments, Ltd. is registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as an Investment Advisor and has filed notice as prescribed under the National Securities Markets Improvement Act of 1996 as a Federal Covered Advisor in the States and/or Territories of:

Important Consumer Information:

1) A broker-dealer, investment adviser, BD agent or IA rep may only transact business in a particular state after licensure or satisfying qualifications requirements of that state, or only if they are excluded or exempted from the state's broker-dealer, investment adviser, BD agent or IA rep requirements, as the case may be; and

2) Follow-up individualized responses to consumers in a particular state by broker-dealer, investment adviser, BD agent or IA rep that involve either the effecting or attempting to effect transactions in securities or the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation, as the case may be, shall not be made without first complying with the state's broker-dealer, investment adviser, BD agent or IA rep requirements, or pursuant to an applicable state exemption or exclusion.

3) For information concerning the licensure status or disciplinary history of a broker-dealer, investment adviser, BD agent or IA rep, a consumer should contact his or her state securities law administrator.

Past Performance Does Not Guarantee Results
Inherent in any investment is the potential for loss as well as the potential for gain. A list of all recommendations made within the immediately preceding year is available upon written request.


This presentation is provided for information purposes only and should not be used or construed as an indicator of future performance, an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation for any security. Flexible Plan Investments, Ltd. cannot guarantee the suitability or potential value of any particular investment

Research Report results are hypothetical and were achieved by means of retroactive application of a computer model, with the benefit of hindsight, and may not represent the results of actual trading. Therefore, Research Report results are NOT represented as actual trading or client experience and they do not reflect the impact on decision making or economic or market factors experienced during actual management of funds. The investment return and principal value of an investment may be lower or higher than the performance quoted; and investors’ shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Annual returns are compounded monthly. Performance between selected dates may be misleading as indicative of overall performance of a strategy since the dates are susceptible of having been selected to present optimum performance.

Expenses of the funds are included to the extent they are reflected in the NAV. Sub-accounts of variable annuities, in addition to the expenses of a mutual fund, have mortality, administrative and other charges. Other fees may apply. All expenses are required to be disclosed in each investment's prospectus available from your financial representative and the product provider. Distributions have been reinvested. When provided, dividends are reinvested for indexes. In those cases where indexes do not provide dividend information, those returns would be understated. As individual tax rates vary, taxes have not been considered.

The Strategies, mutual funds, or annuity sub-accounts drawn for investment (the Universe Components) may be reduced or added to from time to time due to closures and other operational considerations. The list represents the universe in use at the time of this report, and may differ from prior periods. We review the Universe Components periodically and make appropriate changes. In those cases where a Universe Component does not have sufficient price history, a substitute, including in the case of annuities, a mutual fund, research report result or market index after which the sub-account was “cloned," may be used in order to create a longer history from which to test. When this occurs, the daily value of the surrogate may differ from the NAV of the actual Universe Component used prospectively due to different internal expenses. If the expenses are lower or in the case of indexes used, non-existent, the result of their use will be to overstate returns. Conversely, higher internal expenses will understate returns. No index is directly tradable.

Advisors Preferred LLC ("AP"). Pursuant to a contract with AP, Flexible Plan Investments, acting in the capacity of a sub-adviser, provides investment advisory services for investing in select equity, income, derivative and ETF Investments which Flexible Plan also may use in selected strategies regardless of the Investments described as being utilized elsewhere in this information. If these Investments are used in Client's portfolio, since Adviser would receive a fee for its sub-adviser activities, Clients will receive a pro-rata credit on their billing. AP is a federally registered investment adviser and is the adviser of the Gold Bullion Strategy Fund, Gold Bullion Strategy Portfolio and the Quantified family of funds. Flexible Plan Investments, Ltd. serves as investment sub-adviser to The Gold Bullion Strategy Fund and the Quantified funds, distributed by Ceros Financial Services, Inc. (member FINRA). AP is the Funds' investment adviser and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ceros Financial Services, Inc. AP is compensated by the funds in its role as investment adviser to the funds on the basis of assets under management in the funds.

An investor should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the Funds before investing. The prospectus should be read carefully prior to investing in the Funds. There is no guarantee that the Funds will achieve its investment objectives.

The principal risks of investing in the Funds are risks of the sub-advisor's investment strategy, risks of aggressive investment techniques, high portfolio turnover, risk of investing in derivatives, risks of investing in ETFs, risks of investing in other investment companies, leverage risk, taxation risk, concentration risk, gold risk, wholly-owned corporation risk, risk of non-diversification and interest rate risk. "Gold Risk" includes volatility, price fluctuations over short periods, risks associated with global monetary, economic, social and political conditions and developments, currency devaluation and revaluation and restrictions, trading and transactional restrictions.

You may obtain a Prospectus and SAI through the following contact information:

Fund Fund Advisor Contact Information
The Gold Bullion Strategy Fund Advisors 1445 Research Boulevard Preferred Suite 530
Quantified Alternative Investment Fund   Rockville, MD 20850
Quantified Managed Income Fund   Phone: 855-650-7453
Quantified Market Leaders Fund    
Quantified STF Fund    
Quantified Tactical Fixed Income Fund    
Quantified Evolution Plus Fund    
Quantified Common Ground Fund    
Quantified Pattern Recognition Fund    
Quantified Tactical Sectors Fund    
Quantified Rising Dividend Tactical Fund    
Quantified Global Fund    
Quantified Eckhardt Managed Futures Strategy Fund    

Advisor may predicate some strategies on trading signals furnished by non-affiliated firms. In such instances, the non-affiliated firm is under contract to Adviser to provide, and in certain instances, implement management of Client accounts in such strategies. Flexible Plan by necessity relies on information, data, and software provided by third parties, the reliability of which, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed and losses may result from reliance upon them. These are normal risks for which Flexible Plan takes no responsibility beyond use of reasonable care in its selection of the third party.

For many strategies, Adviser provides suitability-based profiles with names such as, without limitation, Conservative, Moderate, Balanced, Growth and Aggressive or with numerical designations such as 25, 40, 60, 80 and 100. Clients should draw no conclusions from such titles. Rather, they are simply a way of designating the hierarchical ranking of Adviser's Profiles within a strategy. They are not meant to imply any ranking within some universal risk measure or benchmark, nor are they equivalent to a Client's subjective concept of the term.

For certain multi-strategy portfolios this report may not reflect actual portfolios because the component strategies may change quarterly or when market conditions, in Flexible Plan's or the sub-adviser’s opinion, warrant a change. These results are derived from the historical hypothetical research reports of the component strategies in each of the model portfolios. These results reflect a snapshot of those allocations carried backward in time to demonstrate how the combination would have performed in the historical period provided.

Active investment management may involve more frequent buying and selling of assets. While the strategy does utilize no load mutual funds with no transaction charges, and best efforts are employed to avoid short-term redemption charges, active managed strategies can still result in charges, especially when entering or exiting a strategy. If investing within a non-tax-deferred investment, Investors should consider the tax consequences of moving positions more frequently. There is no guarantee that a diversified portfolio will enhance overall returns or outperform a non-diversified portfolio. Diversification cannot protect against all market risk.

“Composite Report” results for the identified investment management strategy shown are time weighted geometrically linked returns. The performance is from the aggregated composite results of all accounts with substantially similar investment policies, objectives and criteria as services being offered herein. The results you actually achieve will differ based on the custodian and the available fund universe. Accounts are beginning of period asset weighted results. If an account terminates during a period, it is removed from the composite for that period and successive periods.

Enhancements have been made in our methodologies on numerous occasions, which are believed to have had a positive effect on returns. The amount is not precisely quantifiable, but as strategy actual buy and sell signals are used, to the extent described, the effect of these enhancements is reflected. Efforts to develop indicators are ongoing and may result in further changes. Dividends are reinvested where available.

Utilizing performance between selected dates may not be indicative of overall performance of a profile since the dates chosen may have been selected to present optimum performance and may not be representative of investment performance of any profile during a different period. Mutual fund or annuity results will vary based upon their volatility as they relate to the S&P 500 Index or other indices that may be shown. Specific mutual funds, sub-accounts or indices may materially outperform or under perform these results. Various mutual funds or sub-accounts used in any model account may no longer be available due to the result of advisor's, sponsor's, or fund advisor's periodic review, fund consolidations and/or exchange conditions imposed by the funds or annuity.

References to popular market indexes are included to demonstrate the market environment during the period shown and are not intended as 'benchmarks.' Index returns are after dividends. Since Index dividends are posted after the end of each month, they are retroactively prorated on a daily basis (which tends to understate returns if the end date range is inclusive of the current partial month). The Dow Jones Corporate Bond Index includes fixed rate debt issues rated investment grade or higher by national rating services. Investments by bond funds utilized in generating the above returns may not be similarly rated. The investment program for the accounts included in the profiles includes trading and investment in securities in addition to those that may be included in the S&P 500. Such indexes may not be comparable to the identified investment strategies due to the differences between the indexes' and the strategies' objectives, diversification, represented industries, number and type of component investments, their volatility and the weight ascribed to them. No index is a directly tradable investment.

After Fees

If this presentation is calculated with the maximum current management fee, the maximum current management fee in effect is 2.25% (1.75% for group retirement plans) and, if applicable, subject to a credit for use of any subadvised funds (primarily used in QFC strategies). Strategic Solutions and Managed Solutions and, effective July 1, 2003, fees are deducted, in arrears at the rate of 2.25% annually, with pro-ration of partial periods. Actual management fees will vary between 1.0% and 2.25% annually. Returns for certain programs/product families are shown before withdrawal of a maximum establishment fee of 1.2% unless the selected date range includes the inception date (start date) and if the solicitor firm allows the use of an establishment fee. All mutual fund fees and expenses are included to the extent they are reflected in net asset value; other fees may apply. As individual tax rates vary, taxes have not been considered.

Before Fees, or Reduced Fees

If this presentation is calculated without the maximum current management fee, the investment returns may be inflated and this presentation is not for public distribution. It is to be used solely in “one on one” presentations where clients or prospective client has full opportunity to discuss the types and amounts of fees and expenses. Returns would be reduced by such payments and the impact would be magnified by the effect of compounding if such payments were withdrawn from the account. For example, the payment of annual advisory fees of 2% of the year end account values would reduce a gross five-year compound annual rate of return of 8.5% to 6.3%. On a cumulative basis using such assumptions, $100,000 would grow to $135,900, versus $150,400 without fees. The payment of an establishment fee of 1.2% of the initial account value would reduce a gross five-year compound annual rate of return of 6.3% to 6.1%. On a cumulative basis using such assumptions, $100,000 would grow to $134,300 versus $135,900.

Fees are not taken into account in computing Annualized risk, Beta or Maximum loss (daily). Since monthly maximum loss is after fees, there may be an occasion when monthly max loss may exceed daily max loss.


US and Global Bonds: All investments involve risk. Special risks associated with investing in bonds include fluctuations in interest rates, inflation, declining markets, duration, call and credit risk. Special risks are associated with foreign investing, including currency fluctuations, economic instability and political developments. Investments in developing markets involve heightened risks related to the same factors, in addition to those associated with these markets’ smaller size and lesser liquidity.

Commodities: Concentrating investments in natural resources industries can be affected significantly by events relating to those industries, such as variations in the commodities markets, weather, disease, embargoes, international, political and economic developments, the success of exploration projects, tax and other government regulations and other factors. US and Global Real Estate: Investments in Real Estate are subject to changes in economic conditions, credit risk and interest rate fluctuations Global Currencies: Foreign currency exchange rates may fluctuate significantly over short periods of time. They generally are determined by supply and demand in the foreign exchange markets and relative merits of investments in different countries, actual or perceived changes in interest rates, and other complex factors. Currency exchange rates also can be affected unpredictably by intervention (or the failure to intervene) by U.S. or foreign governments or central banks, or by currency controls or political developments. Long / Short Directional: Portfolio may invest in derivative investments such as futures, contracts, options, swaps, and forward currency exchange contracts that may be illiquid or increase losses due to the use of leveraged positions. US and Global Equities: In addition to the foreign investment risks noted above, the principal risks associated with equities include market, portfolio management, and sector risks.

Investors should consider carefully information contained in the prospectus, including investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. You can request a prospectus by contacting your financial advisor. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing. Investment value will fluctuate, and shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original cost.


Please read Flexible Plan Investments' Brochure Form ADV Part 2A and Part 3 (Form CRS) carefully before investing. As supplemental information, a listing of all recommendations made within the immediately preceding twelve months, all assumed trades and other data used to generate the referenced results is available upon request. Inherent in any investment is the potential for loss as well as the potential for gain.

Privacy Policy – Effective October 16, 2024

Flexible Plan Investments, Ltd. (“Flexible Plan,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) is committed to protecting your privacy.  To provide the products and services you expect, we must collect personal information about you.  We do not sell your information to third parties.  This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes our current privacy practices.  While your relationship with us continues, we will update and send you a copy of this Policy when required by law.  Even after your relationship with us ends, we will continue to protect your personal information.  You do not need to take any action because of this Policy, but you do have certain rights as described below.

We are committed to the responsible use of your information and protecting your individual privacy rights.  As, such we look to leading data protection standards to guide our privacy program.  These standards include collecting data through fair and lawful means, such as obtaining your consent when appropriate.

We and other financial companies choose how we share your personal information.  Federal and state law gives you the right to limit some but not all sharing.  Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share and protect your personal information.  Please read this Policy carefully to understand how we collect, use, share, and protect your personal information.

Personal Information We Collect.

For purposes of this Policy, “Personal Information” is defined as information that identifies, relates to, or could reasonably be linked directly or directly with a particular consumer or household.  This section describes the categories of Personal Information we may collect or have collected from or about you within the last twelve (12) months.

Categories of Personal Information

       Examples of Personal Information Collected


A real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, IP address, email address, account name, Social Security number, driver’s license number, passport number, or other similar identifier.

Personal Information

A name, signature, Social Security number, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, passport number, driver’s license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other financial information. Some Personal Information included in this category may overlap with other categories.

Financial Information

Account number, annual income, investment objectives, adjusted net worth, federal tax bracket and/or outside investments.

Protected classification characteristics

Age (40 years or older), race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, religion or creed, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental disability, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy or childbirth and related medical conditions), sexual orientation, veteran or military status, genetic information (including familial genetic information).

Commercial information

Records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.

Sensory Data

Audio recordings, video recording

Professional or employment-related information

Current or past job history or performance evaluations.

Internet or other similar network activity

Electronic device identifiers, IP address, browsing history, search history, information on a consumer’s interaction with a website, application, or advertisement.

Personal Information does not include:

  • Publicly available information from government records.
  • De-identified or aggregated consumer information.

Sources of Personal Information.

Flexible Plan may collect Personal Information from the following sources:

  • Personal Information received through the application and/or account creation process provided by the consumer or the consumer’s authorized representative;
  • Personal Information received via web-based or other forms completed by consumer or consumer’s authorized representative;
  • Personal Information received in relation to consumer transactions with or through Flexible Plan;
  • Personal Information received from consumer’s Registered Investment Advisor (“RIA”) if your RIA uses Flexible Plan’s website, technology or services to manage your assets;
  • Social media and online forums when consumer interacts with Flexible Plan pages and/or forums;
  • Direct communications between Flexible Plan and consumer or consumer’s authorized representative; including but not limited to, contacting client services, submitting inquires, and requesting information;
  • Third-party services providers.

Purposes for Collection and Use of Personal Information.

In the last twelve (12) months, we may have used Personal Information to operate, manage and maintain the business, provided that the use of Personal Information shall be reasonably necessary and proportionate to achieve the purpose for which the Personal Information was collected or processed or for another purpose that is compatible with the context in which the Personal Information was collected, as follows:

  • To help us identify you as our customer or our former customer;
  • To conduct regular business, including:
  • Processing your requests and transaction
  • Providing customer service
  • Offering and providing investment products/asset management and other related services
  • To market additional services;
  • To conduct research;
  • To provide education and training to our workforce;
  • To ensure legal compliance;
  • To measure and analyze website traffic patterns and compile statistics on usage patterns;
  • To customize your website experience;
  • To protect against security incidents, malicious or illegal activity and prevent fraud; and
  • As otherwise permitted/required by law.

How We Share Your Personal Information

We may share your Personal Information with the following parties:

  • Our service providers;
  • Our agents and representatives;
  • Our business referral sources;
  • Your agents, representatives, and any other persons acting on your behalf or to whom you instruct and/or authorize us to disclose your Personal Information;
  • Government, legal regulatory, supervisory, or other authorities under applicable laws; and
  • Other third parties as may be required for the purposes set forth in this Policy or where appropriate authorization has been obtained.

Securing Your Personal Information

We have an important responsibility to keep your information safe.  We use commercially reasonable safeguards to protect your information from unauthorized use, access and disclosure.  Our employees are authorized to access your information only when they need it to perform their job responsibilities.  Employees who have access to your personal information are required to keep it confidential. However, the confidentiality of information transmitted over the internet cannot be guaranteed.  Be sure to exercise caution when transmitting your personal information over the internet.

Cookies and Similar Technology

Flexible Plan uses various tools to collect data when you visit our sites and apps, including cookies, pixels, web beacons, and other similar technologies.  Some of these technologies store data in the browser or on your device. Other technologies may use network-related or other information to recognize your device (e.g., IP address).  Our Services use these technologies, for example, when you first request a web page and data is then stored on your computer or other device so the website or mobile application can access personal information when you make subsequent requests for pages from that Service.  These technologies may also be used to collect and store information about your usage of the Services, such as pages you have visited, other content you viewed, and search history.

Flexible Plan may also use these technologies to gather personal information about how you view and use our Services and content, and to connect your activity with other data we store about you.  We and our partners may collect your personally identifiable information about your online activities over time and across different websites when you use the Services.  The use of these technologies helps us serve you better by understanding what you're interested in, tracking trends, measuring the effectiveness of ads, saving your preferences, and storing information you may want to retrieve on a regular basis.  We also allow specific, approved partners to collect data from your browser or device for advertising and measurement purposes using their own similar tools.

Your web browser can be set to allow you to control these technologies, such as whether you will accept cookies, reject cookies, or to notify you each time a cookie is sent to your browser. If your browser is set to reject cookies, websites that are cookie-enabled will not recognize you when you return to the website, and some website functionality may be lost.

Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Information

Federal law gives consumers and customers, as those terms are defined in the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (“GLBA”), the right to limit some but not all sharing of their information by financial companies like Flexible Plan. You may opt out of sharing by calling 1-800-347-3539 option 1. Your request will be addressed, but you will not receive a confirmation. Please note that customers will continue to receive annual Policy updates, if applicable, as required under Federal law; however, you do not need to respond to maintain a previous opt-out designation.

If you provide us with a mobile phone number to text you, you are agreeing to SMS communication with Flexible Plan.  Information collected for SMS consent will NOT be shared with third parties or affiliates.

For California Residents