Many investors compare their investment returns against a major index, which may have little connection to their personal financial goals. For example, a conservative investor would never put their investments solely into the stock market—so why should they compare their returns to the S&P 500?
That’s why Flexible Plan Investments created OnTarget Investing: to help investors and their financial advisers define realistic investment goals and set appropriate personalized benchmarks for success. Setting and consistently communicating realistic goals is the key to helping investors stick to their financial plan.
Here’s how the OnTarget Investing process works:
Never be left in the dark! Access historical market data, composite and actual performance, and GIPS composite performance.
Stay current with weekly market insights from Jerry Wagner (president and founder of Flexible Plan) and other industry professionals, review holdings, and check strategy performance.
Combine strategies to see how the portfolio would have historically performed. Use the portfolio risk bonus score to see how multi-strategy diversification lowers risk and potentially increases reward. Determine whether your portfolio is truly diversified, and crash-test it against various market regimes.
Help clients set and track personal, customized benchmarks and manage performance expectations.
View and manage your Flexible Plan client accounts while you project the growth path of your business in one easy-to-use dashboard.
Enrich your marketing and sales materials with our solutions matrix; strategy fact sheets; weekly market insights; interviews of other advisers using active management; content on the advantages of dynamic risk-managed investing and separately managed accounts; quarterly client updates; and more.