Manage your clients' retirement accounts

Your clients’ workplace retirement plans, be they 403(b), 401(k), 401(a), or 457 plans, are likely the largest part of their life savings. With so much at stake, many plan participants do not feel comfortable managing these assets on their own.

By helping your clients use the self-directed brokerage account (SDBA) service that is already a part of their plans, you can now provide them with an actively risk-managed separate account within their account.

By using the SDBA service, your partnership with Flexible Plan Investments will begin unlocking a new world of investment choices beyond the basic core and target-date investments offered by the standard workplace retirement plan.

Can FPI manage my client’s account?


In 2004, FPI began subadvising mutual funds to be used in retirement plans. These funds were not primarily built as standalones but rather as components of actively managed strategies or a portfolio of strategies.

In 2013, FPI’s subadvisory management was consolidated into a new family of funds called the Quantified Funds.

Today, the 14 actively managed funds are used to deliver different risk-managed strategies in separately managed accounts designed to be used within retirement accounts.

The employer (plan sponsor) typically offers a core option to its employees (plan participants). This core option, provided by the platform provider (Fidelity, Schwab, TIAA), is a limited group of funds pre-selected by the employer and typically restricted in their frequency of trading.

There is often another option that many employees don't know is available. This option, for employees who want more flexibility than the core option, exists in 401(k), 403(b), or 457 plans where participants have access to stocks, bonds, mutual funds and ETFs and is known as the Self-Directed Brokerage Account (SDBA).

If the employer offers this SDBA option, and also allows consent for third-party management, you can partner with FPI to manage those assets, even if liquidation is not possible.

Payment for your services is possible because the entire family of Quantified Funds are available at Fidelity, Schwab, and TIAA and, FPI is an approved RIA with these providers.

Can FPI manage your client’s account?

Refer to the flowchart or select a provider from the list to determine what type of management FPI can provide.


